Obama has told us to lower our expectations. I'm a little hardpressed to do so since they aren't all that high at this point. So far, I've covered my concerns about the Democrats attacks on free speech and the war. I'm working on a couple of articles regarding healthcare and the expected socialized healthcare plans that the Dems will eventually offer. All appears to be doom and gloom. How could my expectations be any lower?
However, what is really funny is how bitter the winners have become. All those Obamites should be hooting and hollering about their incredible win and how they're now the new boss. Instead, they're still angry at anyone who disagrees with them. Seriously, I have a McCain sticker still on my car and I still get leers and angry comments from apparent Obama supporters. What gives Libs? You won. I didn't cry to the Supreme Court about fake voters or hanging chads. I don't even deny the fact that you won the popular election. Did you suddenly expect that once your guy won that all the rest of us would start drinking the Kool Aid? You're going to be disappointed.
16 years ago
This is exactly what I've been thinking myself. Such sore winners! I guess they thought their government check was going to be in their mailbox as soon as they returned from the polling place. I love that B.O. is backtracking now though. So soon...imagine what he'll not come through with in a year! I'll get my "I told you so" sticker for MY car ready.
Yes, yes, yes. I think I'll make that sticker and sell it online. Fantastic idea.
You mean, I shouldn't take down my McCain sticker? I don't know, I didn't really like McCain in the first place. Palin however...
Oh, and I can't wait to see her reaction! :D
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