This isn't necessarily the first topic that I'd like to discuss, but it has been on my list since before the election. And it looks like this will be the first topic run on my blog. Why you might ask, well our "friends" in congress think that too many conservatives have too much freedom to speak their mind and have decided the best way to shut them up is to require "fairness." This is called the Fairness Doctrine (see the following links for more details: (;;
The gist of this law is that if one point of view is expressed on the radio, equal time must be given to the opposing point of view. The reasoning behind this is to insure that "fairness" returns to the radio waves. And, based on the following links, it looks like this might come to pass before I can even write my predictions for it. See the following link: (
My original prediction, which may seem a bit late now, is that the Dems, who seem incapable of taking any criticism; will launch a new series of Sedition style acts masked in the cloak of freedom and equality. These laws will be focused on limiting the criticism of the current government leaders and government policies. This has been done before in 1798 and 1918. The aim of these efforts will be to contain the negative outcomes of their policies by attempting to control the flow of information. Many a dictator has used similar methods to wrestle and harness the government away from its own people.
Consider that any criticism of any liberal idea is met with fierce, vocal and often violent resistance. Also consider that the liberal media, which dumped millions of dollars into the Obama campaign, rarely, if ever presents even or unbiased views of conservative America. How often have you seen conservative America painted as "clinging to their guns and religion?" And consider, when it comes to violent protests, who is that you often see in the streets leading "peaceful" protests that always seem to end up in riots and looting?
The Freedom Doctrine is only a first step, keep your eyes open for more. I know I will.
16 years ago
The liberal media, however, has started to question Obama, which is interesting. Why would they start looking at his background now that the election is over?
If anything, they are trying to create a feeling that they are blameless for his wrongdoings when everything goes to hell.
--Tim, Socialism Watch.
Don't be so sure. What the media are attempting to do is restore their reputation as objective news organizations. Additionally, by feigning critical analysis of the Democrats and Obama; they lend credibility to the office. Remember, good news doesn't sell.
I will definitely be keeping an eye on this as well. Thanks for the head's up!
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